Map Version (see About/Help):
  Search Options:

Enter a physical location as an address in the fields below.


Follow these steps to "Point and Click" on the map to determine if that location is in the DGA:

  1. Pan and zoom the map to the area of interest.

  2. Select the "Enable Map Click" button.

  3. Click on the map.

Enter a physical location as latitude, longitude in the fields below



About / Help

Census Tracts
green swatch High unemployment / high poverty
(included in DGA)
gray swatch Low unemployment / low poverty
(excluded from DGA)
Enterprise Zones
blue striped swatch Included in DGA except in low unemployment / low poverty census tracts
LAMBRA Boundaries
red striped swatch Included in DGA
Pilot Areas
gray diamond swatch Included in DGA except in low unemployment / low poverty areas. Pilot Areas expired on 12/31/2017, and are not valid beginning 1/1/2018. The former Pilot Areas are still part of the DGA.